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Ultrafuse® 17-4 PH is a filament for the production of metal components in 17-4 stainless steel on standard Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) printers. This stainless steel can be fully heat treated to high levels of strength and hardness.

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The metal filament Ultrafuse 316L from BASF is an innovative metal-polymer composite for Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF). It has its technical origin in the metal injection molding (MIM) technology of BASF's Catamold® product family. It enables the safe,

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS Fusion+, new name, same product. Ultrafuse ABS Fusion⁺ made with Polyscope XILOY™ 3D is an engineering filament which has been optimized for 3D-printing.

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Previously Innofil3D ABS Fusion+, new name, same product. Ultrafuse ABS Fusion⁺ made with Polyscope XILOY™ 3D is an engineering filament which has been optimized for 3D-printing.

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Previously Innofil3D ABS Fusion+, new name, same product. Ultrafuse ABS Fusion⁺ made with Polyscope XILOY™ 3D is an engineering filament which has been optimized for 3D-printing. This special grade has been developed in collaboration with Polyscope Polyme

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. print bed. Available in many colors.

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Previously Innofil3D ABS, new name, same product. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) – the second most used 3D printing material. Strong, flexible, high-temperatureresistance. The preferred plastic for engineers and professional applications. ABS can b

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Ultrafuse ASA is een hoogwaardig thermoplastisch materiaal met vergelijkbare mechanische eigenschappen als ABS. ASA biedt bijkomende voordelen, zoals een hoge weerbestendigheid buitenshuis.

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Ultrafuse BVOH, ideaal water oplosbaar support materiaal voor uw 3D print. Het printen van complexe ontwerpen kan soms alleen mogelijk zijn met tijdelijke support structuren.

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Ultrafuse HiPS is een hoogwaardig technisch thermoplastisch materiaal. HIPS staat in de 3D-printindustrie bekend als ondersteuningsmateriaal voor ABS.

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Ultrafuse® PA is the translation of BASF´s Ultramid® to the 3D printing space. It is based on a copolyamide 6/66 grade of intermediate viscosity.

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Ultrafuse® PA6 GF30 is een unieke samenstelling die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor FFF-printen. Vanwege het glasvezelgehalte van 30% vertonen onderdelen doorgaans minder kromming.

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Previously Innofil3D PAHT CF15, new name, same product. Ultrafuse PAHT CF15 is a high-performance 3D printing filament that opens new application fields in FFF printing. In parallel to its advanced mechanical properties, dimensional stability, and chemica

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Ultrafuse® PC/ABS FR is een V-0 vlamvertragende mix van polycarbonaat en acrylonitril-butadieen-styreen, twee van de meest gebruikte thermoplasten voor technische en elektrische toepassingen.

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Previously Innofil3D EPR InnoPET, new name, same product. PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is the well-known PET bottle material. The raw material monoPET is a food-approved grade and has a natural transparent look. We predict a bright future for this mat

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Previously Innofil3D EPR InnoPET, new name, same product. PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is the well-known PET bottle material. The raw material monoPET is a food-approved grade and has a natural transparent look. We predict a bright future for this mat

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Fused Filaments Fabrication (FFF) by Ultrafuse®


Ontdek een van de breedste portfolio's voor Fused Filament Fabrication


De BASF experts voor Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) bieden u een uitgebreid assortiment materialen met een verscheidenheid aan gunstige materiaaleigenschappen, zoals printgemak, maatvastheid, duurzaamheid en flexibiliteit. Of het nu gaat om standaardfilamenten, filamenten voor hoge temperaturen en engineering of filamenten voor tijdelijk ondersteuningsmateriaal - ons productassortiment Ultrafuse® biedt toepassingen voor zowel Bowden- als direct-aangedreven extrusiesystemen.

Download de BASF materials pdf hier.


Wij combineren economisch succes met milieubescherming en sociale verantwoordelijkheid.


Bij de BASF-groep werken meer dan 117.000 medewerkers waarvan er zo'n 1.500 werkzaam zijn in Nederland. Zij dragen bij tot het succes van onze klanten in nagenoeg alle sectoren en bijna alle landen ter wereld. Ons productportfolio is onderverdeeld in zes segmenten: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care en Agricultural Solutions. BASF haalde in 2019 een omzet van meer dan € 59 miljard. 

Het Benelux hoofdkantoor is in Arnhem, waar de service- en stafafdelingen en agrodivisie is gevestigd. Daarnaast werkt de salesafdeling vanuit Arnhem aan de verkoop van producten aan internationale klanten. De medewerkers zijn verspreid over verscheidende locaties waar zij grondstoffen ontwikkelen, produceren en verkopen voor tal van sectoren.

Zo ontwikkelen en produceren we in De Meern proceskatalysatoren voor toepassing in tal van industrieën. In Heerenveen produceren we watergedragen harsen en dispersies voor de drukinkt- en coatingindustrie. In Boxtel maken we onder mee isolatieschuim voor de bouwindustrie en vanuit Maarssen verkopen we lakken aan de autoschadeherstelindustrie. In Nunhem richten we ons op de veredeling van groentezaden.

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